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Restructuring of Government Schemes:
NITI Aayog appointed a Sub Group of Chief Ministers on Rationalisation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes under the
Chairmanship of CM of MP for the restructuring of Centrally Government Schemes.
Recommendations of the sub-group are:
• Number of Schemes: The total number of Centrally Sponsored Schemes should not exceed 30.
• Categorisation of Schemes: Existing CSSs should be divided into Core and Optional Schemes.
ο Core schemes: Focus of CSSs should be on schemes that comprise the National Development Agenda where the
Centre and States will work together in the spirit of Team India.
ο Core of the Core Schemes: Those schemes which are for social protection and social inclusion should form the
core of core and be the first charge on available funds for the National Development Agenda.
ο Optional Schemes: The Schemes where States would be free to choose the ones they wish to implement. Funds
for these schemes would be allocated to States by the Ministry of Finance as a lump sum.
• Funding Pattern:
ο Core of Core Schemes: Existing funding pattern of the core of core schemes would continue.
ο Core Schemes:
For 8 North Eastern States and 3 Himalayan States: Centre: State: 90:10
For other States: Centre: State: 60:40
For Union Territories (without Legislature): Centre 100% and for UTs with legislature existing funding
pattern would continue.
ο Optional Schemes:
a) For 8 North Eastern States and 3 Himalayan States: Centre: State: 80:20
b) For other States: Centre: State: 50:50
c) For Union Territories:
(i) (without Legislature) - Centre 100%
(ii) Union Territories with Legislature: Centre: UT:80:20.
Flexibility and flexifunds to the States/UTs
a. While designing the CSS, the Central Ministries shall permit flexibility in the choice of components to the States as
available under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikaas Yojana (RKVY).
b. Moreover, the flexi-funds available in each CSS has been raised from the current level of 10% to 25% for the States
and 30% for the UTs of the overall annual allocation under each Scheme so that the implementation can be better
attuned to the needs of individual State /UT.
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