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Present status of raw silk techonology in india
country increased by 10.52 per cent during 2018-19 over the previous year, Irani said among
the four varieties of silk produced in 2018-19, Mulberry accounts for 71.50 per cent (25,213 MT),
Tussar 8.44 per cent (2,977 MT), Eri 19.40 per cent (6,839 MT) and Muga 0.66 per cent (232
MT) of the provisional total raw silk production of 35,261 MT.
"The total raw silk production in the country increased by 10.52 per cent (35,261 Metric Tonne
(MT)) during 2018-19 over the previous year 2017-18 (31,906 MT)," The minister said the
Central Silk Board (CSB), a statutory body under the Ministry of Textiles is encouraging
production and export of silk
To benefit farmers engaged in sericulture, CSB is implementing a restructured Central Sector
Scheme 'Silk Samagra', which mainly focuses on improving quality and productivity of domestic
silk thereby reducing the country's dependence on imported silk.
Under the scheme, assistance is extended to sericulture stakeholders for the beneficiary
oriented components like, raising of Kissan Nursery, Plantation with improved Mulberry
varieties, Irrigation, Chawki Rearing Centres with incubation facility, construction of rearing
houses besides others, she said.
Methods involved in sericulture
Cocoon storageFor dried cocoon storage, the best conditions will keep the raw
materials for long periods without any damage from moulds and pests. In building the
cocoon storage room, the following should be considered. Air space for ventilation
must be provided at the bottom of the storage room, to prevent moisture coming up
from underground as shown in the Appendix, Figure 9.
The cocoon stores should preferably be built with double walls.
If there is no double wall, every endeavour should be made to have the walls as thick
as possible. Windows should be small and fixed at a high level and provided with an
exhaust fan to enable moisture accumulating in the room to be drawn out. The storing
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