This Act was brought for two objectives:
o Extend reservation for Scheduled castes
(SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) to Lok
Sabha and legislative bodies.
o Not extending the provision of
nominating Anglo Indians to Lok Sabha
and legislative bodies.
• The act has provisions for amending article
334 and extending reservation only for
Scheduled castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes
(ST) to Lok Sabha and legislative bodies till
25th January, 2030 (which was expiring in
• Article 334 originally provided that
reservation of seats and special
representation would cease 10 years after the
commencement of Constitution. But this was
extended every 10 years (8th,23rd,45th,62nd,79th
and 95th amendments).
• Currently, only some state Assemblies like
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand etc. have one Anglo-Indian
member each. The Amendment does away
with this as well.
• No member from the Anglo-Indian community
has been nominated to the current Lok Sabha.
• Since, the amendment falls within the purview
of Article 368 (2) (d) dealing with “the
representation of States in Parliament”, it is
required to be ratified by the Legislature of
not less than half of th
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o Extend reservation for Scheduled castes
(SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) to Lok
Sabha and legislative bodies.
o Not extending the provision of
nominating Anglo Indians to Lok Sabha
and legislative bodies.
• The act has provisions for amending article
334 and extending reservation only for
Scheduled castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes
(ST) to Lok Sabha and legislative bodies till
25th January, 2030 (which was expiring in
• Article 334 originally provided that
reservation of seats and special
representation would cease 10 years after the
commencement of Constitution. But this was
extended every 10 years (8th,23rd,45th,62nd,79th
and 95th amendments).
• Currently, only some state Assemblies like
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand etc. have one Anglo-Indian
member each. The Amendment does away
with this as well.
• No member from the Anglo-Indian community
has been nominated to the current Lok Sabha.
• Since, the amendment falls within the purview
of Article 368 (2) (d) dealing with “the
representation of States in Parliament”, it is
required to be ratified by the Legislature of
not less than half of th
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This PDF file is For Welfare Of Students