Lucent General Knowledge PDF BOOK
Lucent GK Book PDF: This general knowledge book pdf contains all the important facts that are available for every competitive exam like RRB NTPC, Railway Group D, SSC, UPSSSC, State Level Exam, Bank Exam, SSC CHSL, SSC Mts, Police exam, Army exam, SSC GD Important for SBI PO, Clerk, MBA, Joint Defense Service, National Defense Academy, IAS, PCS, RBI, and others.Click below to Download
Lucent General Knowledge PDF BOOK
Ancient India Harapan/Indus civilization Vedic Culture Mahajanapada Period Religious Movements Maurya Period Post-Mauryan/Pre-Gupta Period The Sanam Period Gupta Period Post-Gupta Period/Vardhana Dynasty Medieval India Early Medieval Period North India (Rajputa Period) South India (Cholas & other) Sultanate Period The Delhi Sultanate Vijayanagar and other Kingdoms Religious Movements Bhakti Movement Sufi Movement Mughal Period Maratha state and Maratha confederacy The Advent of Europeans Modern History Expansion of British Power The economic impact of British Rule Socio-Religious Movements in the 19th-20th centuries Freedom Struggle The Revolt of 1857 Moderate Phase Extremist Phase The Ghandian Era World History Ancient World Mesopotamian Civilazation Egyptian Civilization Harappan Civilization Chinese Civilization Iranian Civilization Greek Civilization Roman Civilization Medieval World Medieval Europe (Feudalism, Crusades) Arab Civilization Medieval China Medieval Japan Seven Wonders of the Medieval World Modern World Renaissance Reformation Geographical Discoveries Glorious Revolution Industrial Revolution American Revolution French Revolution Unification of Italy Unification of Germany First World War Russain Revolution Chinese Revolution Turkish Revolution World Depression of 1929-34 Fascism in Italy Nazism in Germany Militarism in Japan Second World War Geography Indian Polity and the Indian Constitution Indian Economy Physics
- Unit
- Motion
- Work, Energy, and Power
- Gravitation
- Pressure
- Floatation
- Surface Tension
- Viscosity
- Elasticity
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Wave
- Sound Wave
- Heat
- Light
- Static Electricity
- Current Electricity
- Magnetism
- Atomic & Nuclear Physics
- Electronics
- Scientific Instruments
- Inventions
- Important Discoveries
- Relating To Physics
- Various Units of Measurement-Weight
- Conversion of Units form one system to another system
7. Chemistry
- Substances and their nature
- Atomic Structure
- Periodic Classification of Elements
- Chemical Bonding
- Oxidation and Reduction
- Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Behavior of Gases
- Electrolysis
- Carbon and its compounds
- Fuels
- Metallurgy
- Important Facts About Some Metals
- Non-Metals
- Common Facts
8. Biology
- Introduction
- Classification of Organism
- Cytology
- Genetics
- Organic Evolution
- Botany
- Classification of Plant Kingdom
- Plant Morphology
- Plant Tissue
- Photo-synthesis
- Plant Hormones
- Plant diseases
- Ecology
- Pollution
- Zoology
- Classification of Animal Kingdom
- Animal Tissue
- Human Blood
- System of the Human Body
- Nutrients
- 777
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