Registration for Covid vaccination to all above 18 years of age begins today link available.
The registration process for COVID vaccination to all above 18 years is starting today.
They will be vaccinated in the third phase of COVID Vaccination drive starting from 1st of next month. All those eligible can register on Co-Win portal -
In this phase, the vaccination will continue as before in Central Government vaccination centres free of cost to the eligible people including Health Care Workers, Front Line Workers and all above 45 years of age.
During this phase, vaccine manufacturers will supply 50 per cent of their monthly released doses to the Central government and they will be free to supply the remaining 50 per cent doses to States as well as in the open market..
No walk-in facility will be available for vaccination in this phase. All above 18 years will need to mandatorily register online on the Co-Win platform. The registration will be done with the help of mobile number. People will have to fill up their details and upload one photo ID proof.
After that they will have to schedule the appointment at a centre of their choice. On successful completion of booking, they will receive a confirmation message which will have to be shown at the vaccination centre. In this phase, Centre has also allowed states, private hospitals and industrial establishments to procure the vaccine doses directly from manufacturers.
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