Download Todays Entrance Paper Kashmir University PDF JK Crown
JK crown Dsek
July 15, 2021
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1. Write your Entrance Test Roll Number in the space provided at the top of this page of Question Booklet and fill up the necessary information in the spaces provided on the OMR Answer Sheet.
2. OMR Answer Sheet has an Original Copy and a Candidate's Copy glued beneath it at the top. While making entries in the Original Copy, candidate should ensure that the two copies are aligned properly so that the entries made in the Original Copy against each item are exactly copied in the Candidate's Copy.
3. All entries in the OMR Answer Sheet, including answers to questions, are to be recorded in the Original Copy only.
4. Choose the correct/most appropriate response for each question among the options A, B, C and Dand darken the circle of the appropriate response completely. The incomplete darkened circle is not correctly
read by the OMR Scanner and no complaint to this effect shall be entertained.
5. Use only blue/black ball point pen to darken the circle of correct/most appropriate response. In no case gel/ink pen or pencil should be used.
6. Do not darken more than one circle of options for any question. A question with more than one darkened response shall be considered wrong.
7. There will be 'Negative Marking' for wrong answers. Each wrong answer will lead to the deduction
5 marks from the total score of the candidate.
8. Only those candidates who would obtain positive score in Entrance Test Examination shall be eligible for admission.
9. Do not make any stray mark on the OMR sheet.
10. Calculators and mobiles shall not be permitted inside the examination hall. 11. Rough work, if any, should be done on the blank sheets provided with the question booklet.
: All Rights Reserved Source: JK Crown
12. OMR Answer Sheet must be handled carefully and it should not be folded or mutilated in which case it will not be evaluated. 13. Ensure that your OMR Answer Sheet has been signed by the Invigilator and the candidate himself/herself.
14. At the end of the examination, hand over the OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator who will first tear off the original OMR sheet in presence of the Candidate and hand over the Candidate's Copy to the candidate. 1