1. No candidate shall be allowed to sit in the Entrance Test *without the Admit Card and a valid photo Identity Card* for verification;
2. Candidate shall check the Roll No., Date of Test, Time of Test and Centre Location on the Date Sheet/Centre Notice available on the
Kashmir University website;
3. Campus/College preference can be verified from the University website and in the event of not mentioning preference, the candidate
shall sieze to exercise the option of preference at belated stage.
4 *. Candidates are PROVISIONALLY* admitted to appear in the Entrance Test.
5. Candidates are advised to be seated in the *Examination Hall 15 minutes before* the commencement of Examination.
6. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the examination hall 20 minutes after the commencement of the Examination and no candidate
shall be permitted to leave the Examination hall before the completion of the Examination;
7. Use of any Electronic Devices like, Calculators, Mobiles, Bluetooth devices, Electronic Watches etc are not allowed in the Examination
8. At the Examination Hall, ensure that the candidate has received the correct Question Paper for the course he/she have applied for;
9. *OMR Answer Sheet has an original Copy and a candidates Copy glued beneath it at the top* . While making entries in the original Copy, candidate should ensure that the two copies are aligned properly, so that entries made in the original copy against each item are
exactly copied in the candidates copy;
10. *Use only blue/black ball point pen to darken* the circle of correct/most appropriate response. In no case gel/ink pen or pencil should be
11. *There will be ‘Negative Marking* ’. Each wrong answer will lead to the deduction of 0.25 marks from the total score of the candidate;
12. The Selection shall be made on the basis of merit subject to positive score in the Entrance Test.
13. First Two Provisional Selection List shall be made available on the University Website and subsquent list against vacant seats shall be
prepared on the basis of merit and counselling. Candidates in their own interest are advised to visit Univserity Website for updates as
these wont be published through print media. Further no candidate shall be informed individually.
14. The candidates are advised to check the University website (www.kashmiruniversity.net) for further information and updation;
15. The candidates are advised to disburse after examination is over and should leave the examination centre immediately;
16. *Candidates are advised to carry Personal hand sanitizer (small size) Mask & Gloves with them into the examination venue*
17. Candidates are advised to reach their respective examination centres 01 hour before their time of test.