SED starts Information Education & Communication campaign on COVID-19 for students
Srinagar, Jul 14 (KNO): The School Education Department on Wednesday started an Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaign on COVID-19 for students and the functionaries of the School Education Department.
Top official of the School Education Department said that the IEC campaign on COVID-19 is meant for promotion of COVID Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) among the students and the functionaries of the School Education Department.
The official in a communiqué, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that in order to promote CAB among the students, teachers and other stakeholders of the School Education Department, the government has initiated a massive IEC campaign on COVID-19.
“The campaign is meant to generate awareness about timely steps to prevent possible third Wave and safeguard the health and mental wellbeing of Children,” the communiqué reads.
The Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) in this respect directed all the functionaries of the department, especially teachers to follow CAB, advocate and aware the students and the community around them.
“All the teachers and resource persons associated with online and Tele, Radio Classes are requested to demonstrate CAB prior to the commencement of online, Tele, Radio and community class every day,” it reads.
DSEK has also asked the functionaries to include parents and community during the IEC session once a week. “Promote, advocate and campaign for CAB in the workplace, public transport, markets, gardens, parks and other places wherever needed,” it reads.
DSEK further said, “All employees of the department shall get themselves vaccinated and motivate others to do so and they shall also ensure that CAB is strictly followed at their workplaces,”
“All Chief Education Officers (CEOs), principals of DIETs, Zonal Education Officers (ZEOs) and Head of Institutions shall ensure the adherence to COVID Appropriate Behavior (CAB) by all their subordinates and follow above mentioned instructions in letter and spirit,” it reads—(KNO)