Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has scheduled Computer Based Written Test (CBT) Examination for various categories of posts advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2021 w.e.f.17.08.2021 to 24.08.2021 (8:00 AM onwards) at various locations in Jammu, Srinagar, Budgam and Baramulla districts; and, Whereas, vide Notification No. SSB/COE/Sel/2021/5244-53 dated.30.07.2021, candidates were informed that the examination for various categories of posts of the Health & Medical Education Department Advertised vide Notification No 02 of 2021 dated 26-03-2021, shall be held from 17th to 24th August 2021; and, Whereas, the JKSSB vide No. SSB/COE/2021/5324-31 dated:04-08-
Download Revised Admit Cards Again, JKSSB issues fresh Notification, Check Here
August 12, 2021
2021, notified final examination schedule indicating specific dates on which CBT examination for various categories of aforementioned posts shall be held and it was further notified that the candidates facing issues, if any, may represent in the Central Office of the J&K Services Selection Board, Hema Complex, Sector -3, Channi Himmat, Jammu or Camp Office of the J&K Services Selection Board, ZumZum Building, Rambagh, Srinagar by or upto 12th of August 2021; and, Whereas, it has been brought in the notice of JKSSB that some candidates are facing issues in downloading of Admit Cards/ issued multiple Admit Cards and scheduling of CB
T examination in respect of certain categories of posts for which syllabi has not been notified; and,Whereas, the matter was discussed & deliberated in the JKSSB and it was felt expedient to consider the requests made by the candidates in view of the difficulties faced by candidates in movement/transit, due to variety of reasons including frequent closure of NH-44 on account landslides & maintenance, COVID-19 Pandemic, etc. as a one-time exception which in no case shall be construed as precedent in future.
Now therefore, in view of the above, it is notified for the information of candidates that:
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