ammu and Kashmir Public Service Comission
Select List for the post of Assistant Professor English in Higher Education Department – Disposal of representations thereof.
Whereas, Higher Education Department vide letter HE-Coll/COORD/APPTT/AP/2017 dated 18.10.2017 referred 86 posts of Assistant
Professor in the discipline of English for selection of suitable candidates. The breakup of posts so referred is given as under:-
- Open Merit = 17 [Fresh:16, Ist Spl. Drive:01]
- Resident of Backward Area = 35 [Fresh:06, Ist Spl. Drive:29]
- Scheduled Caste Category = 12 [Fresh:03, Ist Spl. Drive:09]
- Scheduled Tribe Category = 14 [Fresh:02, Ist Spl. Drive:12]
- Actual Line of Control = 07 [Fresh:01, Ist Spl. Drive:06]
- Social Caste = 01
- Total = 86