Govt Medical College Select List for the posts of Assistant Professor (Lecturer) Psychiatry
Select List for the posts of Assistant Professor (Lecturer) Psychiatry (GMC-Rajouri) in Health & Medical Education Department.
Notification No. 61 – PSC (DR-S) of 2021 Dated: 25.09.2021
Whereas, Health & Medical Education Department vide letter No. ME/Gaz/149/2017, ME/Gaz/150/2017, ME/Gaz/151/2017, ME/
Gaz/152/2017 and ME/Gaz/153/2017 dated 11.01.2018 referred 01 post of Lecturer in the discipline of Psychiatry [GMC-Rajouri]
under Open Merit category for selection of suitable candidate;
Whereas, J&K Public Service Commission vide Notification No. 10-PSC (DR-P) of 2019 dated 08.07.2019 advertised the said post for
selection of suitable candidate; and
Whereas, Commission received 05 applications, which were scrutinized and accordingly the eligible candidates were called for
interview; and
Whereas, the interview of the shortlisted candidates was conducted on 03.08.2021 with the assistance of experts.
Now, therefore, on the basis of the performance in the interview in pursuance of Rule 51 of the J&K Public Service Commission
(Business & Procedure) Rules, 1980 as amended from time to time and other related parameters, the merit of the candidates who
had appeared in the interview is enclosed as Annexure-“A” to this Notification.
Consequent upon the above, Mr. Rameshwar Singh Manhas S/O Sh. Joginder Singh R/O H.No-381/A Indira Colony Timber Road Ja- nipur Jammu securing 65.46 points is selected against the post of Assistant Professor (Lecturer) Psychiatry under Open Merit Cat- egory in GMC Rajouri. Note:-
1. The Commission reserves the right to have certificates/documents of the candidate verified, if at any later stage found expedient
to do so. The Selection of the candidate is purely provisional and is subject to the outcome of writ petition(s) pending before any competent Court of law.
2. The select list is provisional and objection, if any, may be submitted to the Commission within five days for examination and disposal. No claim, whatsoever, shall be entertained after five days from the date of issuance of Notification.