Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) Jobs Recruitment 2021 – Details here
Applications on prescribed format as per annexure “A” are invited from interested eligible candidates for discharging of the following temporary assignments in this Institute for the
academic session 2021-22.
The last date for receiving the duly completed application forms along with all requisite documents is 16th September 2021.
1.The assignment is purely temporary and shall be co-terminus with the academic session 2021-22 of the ITI i.eending July 2022.
2.The arrangement shall instantaneously cease even before July 2022in the event of posting /transfer of any employee of Department of Skill Development in order to discharge the
same assignment .
3.The engagement does not fall within any domain of Govtfor regularization,any special consideration or continuity beyond the specified time frame.
4.The candidate engaged shall be paid remuneration @ ₹250 per demonstration per day subject to a maximum monthly amount of ₹7000(Seven Thousand only) for a Diploma
holder and ₹7500(Seven Thousand Five Hundred only) in case of a Degree holder.
5.The selected candidate shall be responsible for teaching of the trainees to the highest quality standards.Exhibition of any laxity ,unsatisfactory performance or unacceptable
behavior/character shall result in immediate termination of the assignment.
6.The selectee shall furnish an undertaking duly sworn in before a First class Judicial Magistrate that all the terms and conditions stated above from Serial No 01 to 05 are acceptable
to him/her and that he/she shall never approach any Hon’ble judicial court for regularization ,preferential treatment or continuance of the assignment beyond the stipulated period
and if at any stage his/her Qualification certificate /eligibilityis found fake/fraudulent the assignment shall cease forthwith without serving any advance notice besides inviting