J&K NHM Anantnag Provisional Selection List For Various Posts
This Notification is also available on official website of District Anantnag with the URL http://anantnag.nic.in or http://anantnag.gov.in
SUBJECT: -Provisional Selection list of candidates for the posts of Staff Nurse, ISM Pharmacist (Ayurvedic/Unani/Homeopathic) / ISM Dawasaz / Pharmacist-AYUSH and Sister Tutor under National Health Mission in District Anantnag.
Reference No- 01:-Advertisement Notification No. CMO/DRHS/NRHM/20-21/2875-81 dated: – 19/01/2021.
Reference No. 02:- Written Test Notification No. CMO/DRHS/NRHM/21-22/1052-56 dated: – 04/08/2021.
Reference No. 03:- Shortlist & Interview Notification No. CMO/DRHS/NRHM/21-22/1890-94 dated: – 15/09/2021.
Whereas, DRHS Anantnag advertised posts of Staff Nurse, ISM Pharmacist (Ayurvedic/Unani/Homeo- pathic) / ISM Dawasaz / Pharmacist-AYUSH and Sister Tutorunder NHM vide Notification No. CMO/DRHS/
NRHM/20-21/2875-81 dated: – 19/01/2021.
Whereas,Notification for written test for the posts of Staff Nurse and ISM Pharmacist (Ayurvedic/Unani/Homeopathic) / ISM Dawasaz / Pharmacist-AYUSH was issued vide No. CMO/DRHS/NRHM/21-22/1052-56
dated: – 04/08/2021and same was conducted on 20.08.2021 at Govt. Boys Model Higher Secondary School, Brakpora, Anantnag.
Whereas, Notification for Shortlist & Interview of candidates for the posts of Staff Nurse, ISM Pharmacist (Ayurvedic/Unani/Homeopathic) / ISM Dawasaz / Pharmacist-AYUSH and Sister Tutor was issued vide No.
CMO/DRHS/NRHM/21-22/1890-94 dated: – 15/09/2021and same was conducted on 23-09-2021 at Dak Bun- glow Khanabal, Anantnag.
Whereas, as recommended by the selection committee, on the basis of merit, the candidates in the enclosed list to this notification, annexed herewith as Annexure-A are hereby provisionally selected against the posts of Staff Nurse, ISM Pharmacist (Ayurvedic/Unani/Homeopathic) / ISM Dawasaz / Pharmacist-AYUSH and Sister Tutorunder National Health Mission in District Anantnag.
Whereas, the selection is provisional & selected candidates are accordingly informed to report along-with all the original relevant testimonials/documents in the office of the Chief Medical Officer Anantnag (Vice Chairman DRHS Anantnag) within 10 (ten) days form the date of publication of this notification.
The selection is subject to the verification of all relevant documents.
The selected candidate (s) shall forfeit his/her claim to the post if at any stage it is found that he/she has misrepresented any information or produced invalid documents.
Selected candidates have to submit affidavit/undertaking as per the devised format in the office of the Chief Medical Officer Anantnag.
Hiring order for the provisionally selected candidates shall be issued by the DRHS Anantnag (CMO/Vice Chairman DRHS Anantnag) and selected candidates should abide by the terms & conditions mentioned in the said hiring order, failing which contractual hiring of the selected candidate (s) shall be terminated.