JKSSB Revised/ Final Answer Keys for various posts of Health & Medical Education Department
Revised/ Final Answer Keys of the Computer based Objective Type Written Examination (CBT) for various posts of Health & Medical Education Department conducted from 17.08.2021 to
The revised answer key(s), pursuant to disposal of the representations/objections submitted by the candidates in respect of Computer based Objective Type Written Examination (CBT) for various posts of Health & Medical Education
Department advertised vide Notification No. 02 of 2021, conducted from 17.08.2021 to 25.08.2021, will be available for viewing of the candidates on JKSSB’s official website www.jkssb.nic.in from 30-09-2021 to 03-10-2021. The candidates are
required to login with their Roll No. and Date Birth to view the Response Sheet/Revised Answer Keys, no further claim in this regard shall be entertained.
It is further clarified for information of the candidates that;
a) The candidates having marked either of the options as answering option for the questions where two Answering Options are reflected, will be awarded full marks (one Mark).
b) Pursuant to Regulation XV (17) of the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (Conduct of Examinations) Regulations 2013, the marks in
nullified/deleted questions shall be allocated equally amongst rest of the valid questions on pro-rata basis so that maximum marks of the question
Paper remain the same. (Ashok Kumar) KAS,