Unique Technical Institue Srinagar is hiring candidates for the job posts on a contract basis for “SEEKHO AUR KAMAO PROJECT” under an initiative of the Ministry of Minority Affairs.
Name of the Posts:
1. MLT Trainer: 02 Posts
– Qualification: MD/DNB (Pathology / Microbiology / Laboratory Medicine / Biochemistry), B.Sc MLT, B.Sc/M.sc/Ph.d in Medical Biochemistry / Medical Microbiology, DMLT
– Experience: Min Exp. for a period of one year in the healthcare sector or relevant field.
2. Office Helper: 01 Post
– Qualification: 8th Pass
How to Apply: Interested & Eligible candidates can mail the application along with their Resume/CV to saksrinagarnesswo@gmail.com OR visit Unique Technical Institue Wanposh Lane, Padshahibagh Srinagar by or before 25th September.
Contact: +91- 9796399143 / 9797045363.
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