Directorate of Rural Development Kashmir
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Subject:- Engagement of retired Engineers on contractual basis in Rural Engineering Wing (Kashmir Division).
Reference:- Government order No. 265-RD&PR of 2021 dated 30-09-2021, issued by Department of Rural Developments Panchayati Raj J&K.
Applications on prescribed proforma are invited from eligible retired Engineers for engagement on contractual basis in the Rural Engineering Wing (Kashmir Division against following posts.
1. Period of contract:
The period of contract shall be of one (01) year only which shall be further extendable in case of satisfactory performance & requirement. Contractual engagement are liable to be terminated by the competent authority without assigning any reason, whatsoever, at any time. The contractual engagement shall not confer any right or claim for regularization or continuation of service.
2. Remuneration:
The Junior Engineers shall be paid a consolidated amount of Rs. 30,000/- pm and the Assistant Engineers shall be paid consolidated amount of Rs.. 40000/- pm
3. Place of Work:
The engage(s) shall be posted against the available vacancy / post mentioned in the contractual engagement order to be issued by Competent Authority.
4. Age Limit:
The maximum age limit for the applicant(s) shall be 62 years as on 1st of January 2022. The engaged engineer shall be continued till he / she attains the age of 65 years or expiry of their contractual
period mentioned in the engagement order whichever is earlier.
5. Leave:
The engages will not be entitled to any kind of regular leave except (casual leave) on pro-rata basis.
6. Eligibility:
The applicant retired Engineer(s) shall be eligible to apply only against the post from which he / she got retired and not against any other post.
7. Working days / hours:
It shall be same as are applicable in case of other serving officers and employees of the Department.