SKIMS Advertisement Notice No. 01 (Library) of 2021
Advertisement Notice No. 01 (Library) of 2021
Dated: September 27 of 2021
Advertisement Notice for empanelment of Firms/Publishers/ authorized Agents/Suppliers registered with (FPBA) for Supply and Purchase of Medical Journals, Medical Books, e-books/Databases et Chief Librarian of Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Srinagar invites sealed applications on prescribed forms affixed with Rs.5/-revenue stamps for and on behalf of the Lt. Governor of Jammu&Kashmir UT through the Director, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Srinagar from the Publishers/their authorized Agents/5uppliers registered with Federation of Publishers and Booksellers in India (FPBAI) for empanelling the Firms with SKIMS Library for the supply&subscriptionof MedicalJoumals print/online Databases andsupplyof Medical Books, e-books/Databases etc. The prescribed form along with detailed documents (Empanelment Form and tems&conditions, etc.) can be downloaded from SKIMS website from 28.09.2021 to 16.10.2021 which shall be accepted only when it is accompanied with non-refundable document fee of Rs.1000/-(one thousand only) in the shape of bank draft pledged to the Director Finance/FA&CAO,
SKIMS well within the stipulated date of sale of document. The application forms should also be appended with the earnest money of Rs.50,000/-(fifty thousand only) rempanelment of Firms for subscription of Medical Journals/Databases and eamest money of Rs.40,000/-(forty thousand only)for empanelment of Book Suppliers in the shape of CDR pledged to the Director Finance/FA&CAO, SKIMS. The complete application form should reach to the Dairy & Dispatch Section of SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar-190011 by or before 19.10.2021.All applicants are, however, required to submit the photocopy of their income tax return (duly attested) of the year 2021-22.