University Of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021
A Walk-in-Interview is scheduled on 29 October, 2021 at 2.00 PM in the office chamber of the undersigned at the National Ice-core Lab, Dept. of Geoinformatics, KU for filling up the following vacant positions under DST-sponored CoE for Glacial Studies in Western Himalaya as per the details given below. The positions are initially for a period of one year, extendable and co-terminus with the project.
The application process shall commence from today and shall continue till 2.00 PM on the date of the interview. The candidates should
bring all original documents and testimonials in support of his/her claim regarding qualification/experience/publication etc. The candidates whose M. Sc result is awaited are also eligible to apply. The details of the project can be obtained from the Co-PIs/PI on any working day during the office hours