) Who among the following rediscovered Mendel’s laws of genetics?
(A) De Vries
(B) Carl Correns
(C) Tschermark
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer : All of the above
2) For genetical units, Mendel used the word _______ and Correns called them as _______.
(A) Factors, Elements
(B) Elements, Factors
(C) Gene, Exon
(D) Exon, Gene
Correct Answer : Elements, Factors
3) Altman (1892), referred to the mitochondria as
(A) Bioplast
(B) Power house of cell
(C) Thermoplast
(D) None of above
Correct Answer : Bioplast
4) The genetic code (Triplet) is
(A) Degenerate
(B) Ambiguous
(C) Degenerate and Ambiguous both
(D) None of above
Correct Answer : Degenerate
5) A triplet genetic code was first suggested by.
(A) Johansson
(B) Gamow
(C) Watson
(D) Crick
Correct Answer : Gamow
6) Watson & Crick (1953), explained double helical structure of DNA with the help of
(B) Xray diffraction
(C) Thermocycler
(D) Southern Blotting
Correct Answer : Xray diffraction
7) In a double helical DNA molecule the two helices have a distance of
(A) 3.4
(B) 20
(C) 34
(D) 10
Correct Answer :34
8) Temin and Baltimore (1975), discovered reverse transcription in
(B) Rous Sarcoma Virus
(C) Hepatitis B Virus
(D) None of above
Correct Answer :Rous Sarcoma Virus
9) Euchromatin region of chromosomes is considered genetically active because is this region
(A) Transcription of RNA from DNA takes place
(B) Darker Staining takes place
(C) Lighter staining taker place
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :Transcription of RNA from DNA takes place
10) Diploid number of chromosome is Ophioglossum is.
(A) 1600
(B) 1262
(C) 631
(D) 2400
Correct Answer :1262
) In Mendel’s trihybrid experiment, F2 Phenotypic ratio was
(A) 9:3:3:1
(B) 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1
(C) 27:27:27:9:9:9
(D) 9:9:9:3:3:1
Correct Answer : 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1
12) A type of dominance relation in which the phenotype of heterozygote is more extreme than that of either homozygous parent, is known as
(A) Incomplete dominance
(B) Over dominance
(C) Codominance
(D) None of above
Correct Answer : Over dominance
13) Which one is a test cross
(A) TT x Tt
(B) Tt x Tt
(C) TT x TT
(D) Tt x tt
Correct Answer :Tt x tt
14) The term ‘Crossing Over’ was first introduced by
(A) Bateson & Punnet
(B) Morgan & Castle (1912)
(C) Janssen (1909)
(D) Sutton & Boveri
Correct Answer : Morgan & Castle (1912)
15) According to C.B. Bridges (1925), if the sex index value (X/A) in drosophila is 0.5 or less then the offspring will be.
(A) Male
(B) Female
(C) Both male and female
(D) None of these
Correct Answer : Male
16) Genes that are carried on the same chromosome are called
(A) Linked Genes
(B) Unlinked Genes
(C) Dominant genes
(D) Recessive Genes
Correct Answer : Linked Genes
17) When the duplicated gene sequence is attached to another position owning to inter chromosomal duplication then it is known as
(A) Inversion
(B) Transposed Duplication
(C) Direct Tandem Duplication
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer : Transposed Duplication
18) Mutation which occurs during DNA replication is called
(A) Frame Shift Mutation
(B) Copy Error Mutation
(C) Spontaneous Mutation
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer : Copy Error Mutation
19) The Genome D present in bread wheat is supposed to have been derived from
(A) Aegilops Squarrosa
(B) Aegilops Speltoides
(C) Triticum Monococcum
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer : Aegilops Squarrosa
20) Split genes are found in
(A) Eukaryotes
(B) Prokaryotes
(C) Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Both
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer : Eukaryotes
21) Who discovered split gene ?
(A) P. Chambor
(B) Johanssen
(C) P. Leader
(D) P.Sharp and R.Roberts
Correct Answer :P.Sharp and R.Roberts
22) Rate of mutation in nature is
(A) 1x105
(B) 1x108
(C) 1x105
(D) 1x1012
Correct Answer :1x105
23) Artificial synthesis of mRNA was done by ?
(A) M.Nirenberg (1951)
(B) H.G. Khurana
(C) Okha (1955)
(D) F. Griffith
Correct Answer :H.G. Khurana
24) Role of ‘Single Stranded Binding’ (SSB) protein in DNA replication is
(A) Separator Primer
(B) Stabilizes Unwounded DNA
(C) Prevents Supercoiling
(D) None of above
Correct Answer :Stabilizes Unwounded DNA
25) Clover leaf model of tRNA was proposed by.
(A) Nirenberg & Mathai
(B) Robert Holley
(C) Okha
(D) H.G.Khurana
Correct Answer :Robert Holley
26) In DNA replication the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand are joined together by.
(A) Helicase
(B) DNA Ligase
(C) DNA Polymerase
(D) Correct Answer :DNA Ligase
27) According to Meselson & Stahl experiment of DNA replication, DNA molecules are centrifuged in CsCl density gradient, they separate on the basis of ?
(A) Mass Number
(B) Volume
(C) Density
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
28) In meiosis, chromosomes are reduplicated during
(A) Prophase I
(B) Prophase II
(C) Interphase
(D) Inter Kinesis
Correct Answer :Interphase
29) After a mRNA has been translated and leaves the ribosome or polysome, it is.?
(A) Dehydrated
(B) Degraded
(C) Dehydrolysed
(D) Oxidised
Correct Answer :Degraded
30) In mitosis, just after duplication, the two sister chromatids remain attached at
(A) Spindle
(B) Asters
(C) Centromere
(D) Centrioles
Correct Answer : Centromere
31)If at the end of meiosis, the four daughter cells have four chromosomes, how many chromosomes were in mother cell?
(A) 8
(B) 16
(C) 4
(D) 2
Correct Answer :2
32) Human blood groups (A, B, AB, & O) are example of
(A) Gradient of diploidy
(B) Cline
(C) Transposon
(D) Multiple allelism
Correct Answer :Multiple allelism
33)A potential danger to a population that has been greatly reduced in number is the
(A) Hardy Weinberg disequilibrium
(B) Loss of Genetic Variability
(C) Reduced Gene Flow
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Loss of Genetic Variability
34) Variation arises by
(A) Gene Mutation
(B) Recombination
(C) Chromosomal Mutation
(D) All of above
Correct Answer : All of above
35)The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment, is termed as
(A) Evolution
(B) Adaptation
(C) Fitness
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Fitness
36) Prolonged inbreeding can lead to
(A) Increased Fertility
(B) Reduced Fertility
(C) Natural Selection
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Reduced Fertility
37) An Allopolyploid can reproduce with individuals from
(A) Neither Paternal nor maternal population
(B) Its Maternal Population
(C) Its Paternal Population
(D) Both Maternal and paternal population
Correct Answer :Neither Paternal nor maternal population
38) The lac Z gene in lac operon codes for
(A) Repressor Protein
(B) Galactosidase
(C) Permease
(D) Transacetylase
Correct Answer : Galactosidase
39) In trp operon, trp B and trp A genes codes for
(A) BGalactosidase
(B) Tryptophan Synthase
(C) Anthranilate Synthase
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :Tryptophan Synthase
40) The DNA repair system found to be most active are
(B) Photo reactivation
(C) Excision
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :All of the above
41)The generation of nuclear mRNA from precursor RNA requires the activity of
(A) Spliceosomes
(B) Endonuclease
(C) Exonuclease
(D) Supersolenoid
Correct Answer :Spliceosomes
42) Plasmids which may integrate into the bacterial chromosomes are called
(A) Conjugative Plasmids
(B) RPlasmids
(C) Episomes
(D) FPlasmids
Correct Answer :Episomes
43) Heritable change in gene expression that does not involve change in underlying
DNA is termed as
(A) Eugenics
(B) Epigenetics
(C) Phytogenetic
(D) Genetic Engineering
Correct Answer :Epigenetics
44) In Sicklecell syndrome, the amino acid substituted is.
(A) Glutamic acid by valine in chain
(B) Valine by glutamic acid in chain
(C) Glutamic acid by valine in chain
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer :Glutamic acid by valine in chain
45) Which of the following is a recessive trait in garden pea.
(A) Round Seeds
(B) Tall sterm
(C) Wrinkled Seeds
(D) Coloured Seed Coat
Correct Answer :Wrinkled Seeds
46) Which country was first to begin commercial use of transgenic tomato & tobacco?
(A) India
(B) America
(C) China
(D) Canada
Correct Answer :China
47) In India Interministerial committee to decide commercial use of GMO5 is
Correct Answer :GEAC
48) The first genome sequenced was ?
(A) Haenophilus influence
(B) E. coli
(C) Tobacco
(D) None
Correct Answer :Haenophilus influence
49) The genetic exchange between different evolutionary linkages is referred to as:
(A) Horizontal gene transfer
(B) Lateral gene transfer
(C) Horizontal gene transfer and Lateral gene transfer both
(D) None of above
Correct Answer :Horizontal gene transfer and Lateral gene transfer both
50) Most comprehensive database for SNP5 is:
(D) Mito
Correct Answer :HGBASE
) The oldest method of plant breeding is
(A) Introduction
(B) Hybridization
(C) Selection
(D) None of above
Correct Answer :Selection
62) Method of selection in plants showing vegetative propagation is:
(A) Pedigree selection
(B) Pure line selection
(C) Clonal selection
(D) Mass selection
Correct Answer :Clonal selection
63) The best way to obtain bacteria and virus free plants through tissue culture is
(A) Micro propagation
(B) Seed germination after gamma irradiation
(C) Shoot tip culture
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Micro propagation
64) The hybrid progeny of cytoplasmic male sterile plants would be?
(A) Hermaphrodite
(B) Male sterile
(C) Female sterile
(D) All of these
Correct Answer :Male sterile
65) The process involving inspection, fumigation and growing the introduced plant material in isolation is known as
(A) Acclimatization
(B) Quarantine
(C) Adaptation
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Quarantine
66) If the introduction of any wild species or land cultivation is done, for developing genetically improved variety, by selection or cross hybridization, it is referred to as:
(A) Primary Introduction
(B) Secondary Introduction
(C) Modification
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer :Secondary Introduction
67) Which of the following varieties of wheat was selected from one of the variety of CIMMYT, Mexico) ?
(A) Sonora 64
(B) Lerma roso
(C) Kalyan Sona
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :Kalyan Sona
68) Which of the following weeds have been introduced in India from other countries along with plant materials ?
(A) Argemone Mexicana
(B) Eicchornea crassipes
(C) Parthenium
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
69) Pure line selection is also called
(A) Inbred selection
(B) Progeny selection
(C) Single line selection
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
70) Mutation frequency during plant breeding depends on
(A) Dose (concentration × time)
(B) Temperature
(C) pH Value
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :All of the above
) Induction of polyploidy in potato is achieved by treating with?
(A) Lanolin Paste
(B) Colchicine
(C) Xrays
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :Colchicine
72) Kufri Alankar, Kufri Chamatkar, uptodate are important varieties of?
(A) Okra
(B) Capsicum
(C) Potato
(D) Rice
Correct Answer :Potato
73) Which of the following in not fusarium wilt resistance variety of chick pea?
(A) Radhey
(B) Gaurav
(D) Vijay
Correct Answer :Gaurav
74) A quantitative trait locus (QTL)?
(A) Contains a known gene which affects a polygenic trait
(B) Contains a single gene which affects a polygenic trait
(C) Contrast all of the variation for a polygenic trait
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :None of these
75) What would be the colors of hulls of wheat plants heterozygous for all three hull colors Loci?
(A) Light red
(B) Dark red
(C) Medium red
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Medium red
76) Dominance can easily confused with over dominance if?
(A) SNP5 are involved
(B) QTL5 are involved
(C) rDNA is involved
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :QTL5 are involved
77) When two or more events occur simultaneously. They are called
(A) Independent events
(B) Simple events
(C) Compound events
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Compound events
78) When the probability is calculated on the basis of reasoning even before any trail or experiment it is called?
(A) Mathematical Probability
(B) Apriori Probability
(C) Both the above
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :Apriori Probability
79) PBR322 is an example of
(A) Shuttle Vector
(B) Phage Vector
(C) Plasmid Vector
(D) Cosmid Vector
Correct Answer :Plasmid Vector
80) Which pair is right?
(A) Multi Copy Plasmid
(B) Relaxed Replication
(C) Simple Copy Plasmid
(D) Relaxed Replication
Multiply Plasmid
Stringent Replication
None of these
Correct Answer :Multi Copy Plasmid Relaxed Replication
) tetr, kanr are example of
(A) Marker genes
(B) Cos Site
(C) Ori site
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :Marker genes
82) Cosmids are prepared by inserting______of phage into a ______ .
(A) TDNA, Plasmid
(B) CosSite, Plasmid
(C) Genome, Plasmid
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :CosSite, Plasmid
83) Isolation of B+ gene from B thuringiensis was done by ?
(A) Barton et al (1987)
(B) Venter et al (1998)
(C) Baltimore
(D) Braun
Correct Answer :Barton et al (1987)
84) Isozymes analysis of hybrid verification employs
(A) Starch gene
(B) Polyacrylamide gene
(C) Starch gene and Polyacrylamide gene both
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :Starch gene and Polyacrylamide gene both
85) In Haploid culture, chromosome duplication without nuclear division taker place it is known as ?
(A) Eumitosis
(B) Endomitosis
(C) Cloning
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :Endomitosis
86) Immobilized cell systems uses _______ for cell immobilization.
(A) Calcium alginate
(B) Agarose Beads
(C) Calcium alginate and Agarose Beads both
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :Calcium alginate and Agarose Beads both
87) Intron are absent in ..?
(A) Zein Storage genes of maize
(B) Soybean Protein Genes
(C) Zein Storage genes of maize and Soybean Protein Genes both
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :Zein Storage genes of maize and Soybean Protein Genes both
88) Cryopreservation is the storage of material at ultralow temperatureby.
(A) Very Rapid Cooling
(B) Gradual Cooling
(C) Gradual Cooling & Simultaneous Dehydration at Low Temperature
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer : All of the above
89) Electrophoretic separation of DNA molecules, several megabases in size, achieved by ?
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :PFGE
90) Confirmation of DNA transformation in rDNA teachnology can be done with the help of
(A) Western Blotting
(B) Southern Blotting
Correct Answer :Southern Blotting
) Which of the following is type I restriction endonuclease?
(A) E co K
(B) E co B
(C) Alu I
(D) E co K and E co B both
Correct Answer :E co K and E co B both
92) Which of the following is DNA modifying enzymes?
(A) Kinase
(B) DNA Polymerase
(C) Alkaline Phosphatase
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
93) Cloning large piece of DNA can be achieved by
(A) Phase
(B) Cosmids
(C) YAC5
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
94) Amplification buffer for PCR reaction contains
(B) Tris CL
(C) 1.5 mm MgCl2
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :All of the above
95) Codominent marker not used in MAS methot of plant breading is?
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer :ASLP
96) RFLPQTL linkage relationship can be studied in
(A) Self Pollinated Species
(B) Among Inbred Lines in CrossPollinated Species
(C) Self Pollinated Species and Among Inbred Lines In Cross Pollinated Species both
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :Self Pollinated Species and Among Inbred Lines In Cross Pollinated Species both
97) QTLS for root traits are being used to develop high yielding draught resistant in ?
(A) Rice
(B) Maize
(C) Rice and Maize both
(D) None of these
Correct Answer :Rice and Maize both
98) Gene silencing is caused by?
(A) DNA methylation
(B) CoSuppression
(C) Antisense RNA
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
99) Genes conferring insect resistance to plants are?
(A) Bt gene
(B) ipt gene
(C) Pht gene
(D) All of above
Correct Answer :All of above
100) Hepatitis B surface antigen has been expressed in tobacco to
(A) Induce Immunity Against HB5 Ag
(B) Induce Hepatitis B in Tobacco
(C) Induce Immunity Against HB5 Ag and Induce Hepatitis B in Tobacco/HB5 Ag
(D) None of these
Correct Answer : Induce Immunity Against HB5 Ag/ HB5 Ag
I need syllabus for 6th sem human resources mangement batch 2016