Director School Education Kashmir on Wednesday warned all private recognised schools with de-recognition and withdrawal of NOC for “compelling” parents for purchasing books or uniforms from any particular shop.
“Again it has came into the notice of this Directorate that recognised Private schools are still indulging in selling books/uniforms in the school premises and even parents are being forced to purchase books from some specific private shops, besides the exercise of replacing existing books with the new one is becoming habitual on part of recognised unaided private schools which has been viewed very seriously,” DSEK said in a circular issued here.
This practice, the DSEK said, was against the instructions already issued on the subject vide series of communications issued earlier.
“As such, it is once again enjoined upon all the Private recognised schools that they should desist from compelling the parents for purchasing books/uniforms from any particular shop and change of books thereof,” it reads as per GNS.
Further in order to have a wider choice for the parents for purchase of books and uniforms, the same should made be available in the open market, the circular reads.
“Any deviation from these instructions if noticed shall be viewed seriously and action will be taken as per the provisions of the law which may include de-recognition/withdrawal of NOC also.”
All Chief Education Officers, the DSEK, said shall constitute special monitoring teams headed by Deputy Chief Education Officer/Senior Most Zonal Education Officer to verify the complaints received on account of sale of books/uniforms by the Private Schools, pressing parents for purchase from any particular shop and replacing existing books with the new one thus adding more burden on the parents during present circumstances in the valley.
“Action taken in this regard shall be submitted to this Directorate on weekly,” the circular added.