Check This format for Your Board Exams :
Common Parts Of A Resume
Contact information: This should include one’s name, address, phone number etc.
Objective(optional): The objective of a candidate should be in relation to the job being applied for.
Education section: This section elicits one’s educational qualifications and details. In general, we should limit these details to the major qualifications.
Experience section: Candidates with experience of working in the field can use this section to their advantage. Generally, the experience is listed in reverse chronological order.
Skills: This section illustrates the various skills, strengths, and knowledge that the applicant posses, making him competent for the job.
Projects: To point out the work done in the field of work, a candidate can use the projects section.
Activities: The activities section puts forward the applicant’s membership in organizations.
Honours: Lastly, the honours section can be used to showcase the applicant’s awards, achievements, and scholarships.