A local private school ‘Ingenious School’ Sunday organized its Graduation Day event in which many eminent persons participated.
According to a statement issued by the school, the students filled the whole event with their delightful performances.
The guests who attended the event include former Dean KU Dr. A R Yousuf; Principal GHSS Soura, NighatParveen; HOD Department of Management IUST Dr. Asif Fazili; Prof Naseer Ahmad Sofi; Prof Nisar Ahmad; Prof Nazir Ahmad; Mumtaz Ahmad, GHSS Soura; Shubana, GHSS Soura; Lubna Mir, GHSS Soura; GhulamNabiVar, President Private School Association; Tanveer Ahmad, SHO Soura; Manzoor Ahmad Kumar, CEO Srinagar; Hilal Ahmad Gilkar, Department of Education; Imtiyaz Ahmad, Branch Head JK Bank; Feroz Ahmad Mir, Ex En LAWDA; Dr Shafiqa Peer, LAWDA; Dr Rohina Bashir, SKIMS; Dr SaimaManzoor; Dr Waseem Hassan; Dr Shakeel Ahmad Sofi; Sowkat Ahmad Sheikh