JKSSB Notification for Type Test (Skill Test) Second Phase for Various Posts
Conduct of Computer Based Type Test (Skill Test) Phase II of Jammu based candidates for the post of Junior Assistant, Cadrex Clerk, Casher, Jr Assistant /Computer-cum-Jr Assistant/ Clerk/Store Attendent and Welfare
Organizer, UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various Districts, Advertisement Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 and 03 of 2021- regarding.
In continuation to this office notice no SSB/COE/2021/6971-82 dated 12-10-2021 the TYPE-TEST (Skill Test) of Phase II Jammu Based candidates on Computer Key Board who have applied for the posts of Junior Assistant, Cadrex Clerk, Casher, Jr Assistant /Computer-cum-Jr Assistant/ Clerk/Store Attendent and Welfare Organizer, UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various Districts, Advertisement Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 and 03 of 2021 shall be conducted w.e.f. 10th of November, 2021 onwards at NIELIT, Jammu (formerly DOEACC, an Institution Under Ministry of Comm. & IT, Govt of India), University Campus, Jammu as per the candidates / items schedule annexed at Annexure “A” of this notice.
This notification alongwith detailed list of candidates called for TYPE-TEST (Skill Test) in Phase II shown in annexure “A” is ALSO AVAILABLE on the official website
of the Board, i.e. www.jkssb.nic.in
Candidates who are scheduled in the said test are advised to download their Admit Cards from our official website of the Board i.e (www.jkssb.nic.in) from today i.e 02-11-2021 onwards.
The candidates will not be permitted entry into Type test venue without the Admit Card and a valid photo identity which shows the photo clearly. Please again note that apart from Admit Card, the candidates shall be required to produce a photo identity card (Aadhar/Voter Identity Card / Driving License / Passport / Pan Card / Ration Card / Student Identity Card / Identity Card Issued by Competent Authority) as proof of your identity at the time of the exam.
The candidates must note their admit Card will be checked at a registration counter at the Venue.
Any candidate found guilty of impersonating or submitting fabricated / tampered documents / testimonials or making false, incorrect or suppressing material information shall render him / her liable to criminal prosecution under law and may be debarred permanently or for a specific period for consideration of any or all recruitments made by the Board. Also canvassing / lobbying in any form will entail
disqualification of the candidate(s).
A candidate who fails to appear in the test on the scheduled date & time, shall not be allowed to appear in the test for the mentioned notification on any subsequent date
and shall be disqualified for any further consideration on this account.
No supplementary type-test (of the candidates who happen to miss the type-test scheduled herein) shall be conducted by the Board on any ground whatsoever.
Only those candidates who achieve an accuracy of typing of 90% or above and a type-speed of minimum 35 words per minute shall be considered qualified for second stage.
No TA/DA shall be paid for participation in the interview.
Note :
The candidates are advised to bring two recent photographs and Photostat copy of each certificate self-attestedby the candidate for depositing with the Board on the
scheduled date and time in addition to original documents, failing which no claim / objection in this regard shall be entertained.
The candidate(s) who fail to appear in the Type Test on the given date shall forfeit his right of consideration.
The candidates are hereby directed that Wearing of masks is mandatory during type test and also advised to carry hand sanitizer for their personal use.
Mobile phone is not allowed in the office premises.
The Third phase schedule of Type Test (Skill Test) shall be issued separately.
Hema Complex, Sector -3, Channi Himmat, Jammu/