Mobile apps track user’s habits, locations, lifestyle and health, keeping an eye on everything the user does
Most of the people in the country use smart phones. Social media plays the role of an effective communication mechanism. On the other hand, the use of mobile and net banking, debit and credit cards has increased for transactions of money. With this, the pace of cyber crimes has also increased. These include cases like frauds, fake news, character assassination on social media and blackmailing through objectionable viral videos. To create awareness on these crimes, the issue of cyber security was discussed in detail at one of the twitter chats of Bloggers Alliance recently. Advocate Sumit Nagpal from Delhi, Advocate Jyoti Vashisht from Delhi High Court and Dr Neeraj Kumar, a thought leader, threw light on many dark aspects of cyber crimes and precautions to avoid them.
Mobile apps are the in thing these days, but one should keep only those apps in the smart phone that are trustworthy. Keep the minimum number of apps in a mobile. Never grant permission that is not necessary for the functioning of the app. Do not allow access to your photos and videos. Your mobile apps are thieves and spies who steal your confidential information and data all the time. The apps will track your habits, places visited, lifestyle, health condition, means each and everything about your personal life. Your life is under constant watch.
Similarly, the use of WhatsApp has increased tremendously nowadays. Its chat can be used against a person who has indulged in illegal activities. This is a great tool for the investigating agencies to track illegal activities in depth. In the latest case of Aryan Khan, it was seen that NCB has been relying on WhatsApp chats. Every word written on WhatsApp or any other app can be further evidence against the user. Always assume that there is someone other than the receiver who is reading your messages. Remember, whatever goes on in the internet world, stays there forever. People think that if they delete what they write on social media, they will be saved. It is not so, deleted chats can be found in the backup server or other person's history.
Never forward or transmit communally sensitive or obscene material from your mobile phone or computer devices. There are specific provisions under the IPC and the IT Act to deal with such offences. Avoid coming in contact with fake and suspicious people. Don't answer their queries. Do not download, forward or save fake, false, defamatory and character assassination kind videos on WhatsApp.
In case of financial loss due to an online fraud, inform the police immediately or within 24 hours on toll free number 112 or 55260. The police try to recover the missing amount as soon as possible. Jamtara area in eastern Jharkhand is considered a major hub of cyber crimes in India. There is poverty, there is no electricity, but there is a lot of cyber fraud in hundreds of villages in that area. These illiterate thugs are adept at cheating from mobile phones.
Experts suggest that one should check the privacy settings regularly. Don't keep your profile open to everyone. Do not accept requests from unknown people on Facebook or any other social media. If someone has created a fake account in your name, report to that platform and cyber crime cell of your region. Fake accounts come into existence because people allow different apps to access their photos and contact lists. Fake social media accounts are a big threat.
Always cross check if you are getting friend requests from someone who is already on your friend list. If someone asks for money on social media, do not give it, nor give your bank account details to any unknown person. Similarly, never do personal work on the office computer, nor save the data in a pen drive. Doing so can put the employee in serious trouble.
(The Author is a senior journalist and environmental activist. Email: