National Innovations Public School Shopian is hiring candidates for the job post. Interested and eligible candidates can read the below-given job details and can apply for the job post.
Post Details:-
1. Teachers for classes IV to VII
– Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Computer, Urdu and S.St.
2. Teachers for classes VII to X
– Subjects: English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and S.St.
How to Apply: Walk-in-Interview from 4th Nov 2021 to 6th Nov 2021 | Time: 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM.
Venue: National Innovations Public School
Zainpora Shopian, Kashmir (NIPS)
Tel No: 01933-264433
Mobile No: 7889950763, 7006424867
Candidates to attend the interview must call on 7006424867 and confirm to Mr. Ashfaq Yousuf (Office Coordinator) from 4th Nov to 6th Nov 2021 respectively.
Confirmed candidates for Walk-in-Interview must have CV cum resume, Two passport size photographs and copies of testimonials with originals on the date of interview.
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