SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021
Posts Details Below :
Applications on plain paper giving full details as per the format available on university website are invited for engagement of the following position co-terminus with the project titled. “Development of on optometry based kit for detection of compylobacter Infections in cattle and poultry.
Name of the Posts :
Junior Research Fellow(JRF) : 01 Post
Minimum Qualification :
Essential: Post graduate degree inVeterinary Science or Post graduate degree in Microbiology/ Biotechnology
Desirable: Candidates with Post graduate degree in Veterinary Microbiology /Public Health/ Biotechnology and good knowhow of molecular techniquesevident by experience in relevant field.
Terms and Conditions :
The engaged JRF shall be paid and governed by the terms and conditions of the sponsoring agency DBT/ University.
The engagement is temporary and co-terminus with the project and the engaged candidate shall have no claim for absorption in the university.
The applications in the enclosed format should reach to the undersigned by or before 15-11-2021.
The interview date for the eligible candidates will be communicated separately
The candidates short listed for interview are required to bring all the certificates/ testimonials in original on the date of interview.
No TA/DA is permissible for attending the interview.
Further details can be had from the office of the undersigned.
Full Details and Application form Click Below :