Dogra Hr. Sec. School Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021
Dogra Hr. Sec. School Jammu is hiring candidates for job posts. Interested and eligible candidates can read the below-given job details and can apply for job posts.
Name of the Posts:
1. Teachers for Hr. Sec Classes:
– Computer Science & IT
– Psychology
– Physics
– Chemistry
– Biology
– Physical Education (PHE)
2. Commerce Teachers for For Primary, Middle & High Classes:
– Computer
– Hindi
– Math
– Science
– English
3. NCC Caretaker
– BP.Ed MP.Ed with NCC B or C Certificate
4. Accountant
5. Computer Operator
6. PA to Chairman
7. Transport Manager
8. Clerk Receptionist
NOTE: Retired Persons Can also apply.
How to Apply: Submit your applications with a passport-size photograph at the office of the school.
Dates for submission of application 19-12-2021 to 24-12-2021
Dogra Hr. Sec. School
Shastri Nagar, Jammu
Ph no. 94191-95995
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