GATE 2022 : GATE Exam Schedule To Be Released, Check Detail Here
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) exam dates have been released. The GATE 2022 exams will begin on February 5, 2022 and will continue till February 13, 2022. However, scribe selection, preparation of exam centre including sanitisation and other activities will start on February 4, 2022. GATE 2022 will be held in two slots - the first from 9 am to 12 noon and the next between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm. The GATE 2022 is administered by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur this year.
As per GATE 2022 exam date branch-wise, the aptitude test will be held on February 5, February 6, February 12 and February 13, 2022. February 4 and February 11 has been earmarked for miscellaneous activities including scribes selection (if any), preparation of exam centre including sanitisation and other activities (display posters, signboard, seating arrangements etc) and visit by candidates to check the exam centre which is optional.
Two new subject papers have been introduced this year for the candidates -- GE (Geomatics Engineering) and NM (Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering), taking the total number of GATE papers to 29. Eligibility criteria to appear for GATE 2022 have been expanded so that the BDS and MPharm degree holders can also be included.GATE, conducted for admission to masters programmes and for recruitment to some public sector companies, is held as an online computer-based test. The GATE 2022 paper will be of objective type comprising three patterns of questions -- multiple choice questions (MCQs), multiple select questions (MSQs), and numerical answer type (NAT) questions. For every wrong answer marked in an MCQ, negative marks will be cut, while for MSQs and NATs, there will be no negative marking for a wrong answer.
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