Extension-schedule for online submission of Permission-Cum-Admission Forms for Higher Secondary Part-1 (Class 11th) for Annual/Regular 2021 Examination, as last and binding chance.
Sequel to the approval and in order to safeguard the academic interests, it is hereby notified for information and follow p of the concerned candidates who are Currently on-rolls in Higher Secondary Part- (Class 11 for the current Academic Session 2020-21 in the Affiliated Academic Institutions of the Kashmir Division excluding District Kargil. having a minimum of 66% attendance (online/ offline) in the respective schools and are eligible to appear in the ensuing Annual Regular 2021 Examination, but could not (submit their related returns (Renewal/RR/PCA forms) pursuant to Notification No (JSE/R/PCA-10/11)KD/21, Forms) dated 12th November 2021, that the extended schedule for Online submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms shall be available through BOSE website www.jkbose.nic.in as under.