Army Public School is hiring candidates for job posts. Interested and eligible candidates can read the below-given job details and can apply for job posts.
Post Details:
Name of post: Computer Teacher
Qualification: B.Tech. in Computer Science/ B.Sc in Computer Science/ B.SC. with one year Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science from University or recognized institutions.
Entry age: Below 40 years (as on 01 Apr 21) for fresh candidates and staff who were working earlier and have at least 05 years experience in the last 10 years are permitted, provided they are below 55 years (incl ESM).
How to Apply: The resume along with attested copies of certificates to be fwd to this school Email by 02 Jan 2022. Incomplete application will not be considered.
Tentative date for the interview is 05 Jan 2022.
Contact: 9419248070
Official website:
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