National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) Limited has announced the notification for the recruitment of 69 Post of NHPC Trainee Engineer and Officer Post. NHPC offers exciting opportunities and challenges to learn and grow. The company fosters excellent working environment and has attractive compensation package. To support its high growth trajectory, NHPC is looking for High Performing, Dynamic & Achievement-Oriented young Graduate Engineers and Professionals with bright academic record to join the organization as:
Name Of Posts:
1- Trainee Engineer (Civil): 29 Posts
Qualification: Full time regular Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc. (Engineering) Degree in Civil Discipline from recognized Indian University / Institute approved by AICTE with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade or AMIE (enrollment upto 31.05.2013) with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade.
2- TraineenEngineer (Mechanical): 20 Posts
Qualification: Full time regular Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/ Technology / B.Sc (Engineering) Degree in Mechanical Discipline from recognized Indian University / Institute approved by AICTE with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade or AMIE (enrollment upto 31.05.2013) with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade.
3- Trainee Engineer (Electrical): 04 Posts
Qualification: Full time regular Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/ Technology / B.Sc (Engineering) Degree in Electrical Discipline from recognized Indian University / Institute approved by AICTE with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade or AMIE (enrollment upto 31.05.2013) with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade.
4- Trainee Officer (Finance): 12 Posts
Qualification: CA from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / ICWA or CMA from Institute of Cost Accountants of India (formerly known as Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India).Passed Candidates are eligible to apply.
5- Trainee Officer (Company Secretary): 02 Posts
Qualification: Candidates passed in Company Secretary qualification with Membership of Institute of Company
Secretaries of India (ICSI) are eligible to apply.
6- Vacancies earmarked for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs): 02 Posts
Last date for receiving of online applications: 17 Jan 2022 (17:00 Hrs)
Salary: Rs.50,000 -3% – 1,60,000 (IDA)
How to Apply:
Only candidates who have valid GATE-2021 score with GATE Registration Number, candidates who have valid CA/CMA score with CA/CMA certificate and candidates who have valid CS score with CS membership certificate can register online in NHPC’s website mentioned below against advertisement number NH/Rectt/04/2021.