The Central government could reportedly announce an increase in the fitment factor of central and state government employees. A hike in the fitment factor will increase the minimum wages of central government employees.
Central government employees unions have long been urging the Centre to increase the minimum wages of Rs 18,000 to Rs 26,000, along with an increase in the fitment factor from 2.57 times to 3.68 times.
The Central government could give an update about the fitment factor of central employees before January 26. This means that government employees could receive the good news by Republic Day.
Currently, the central government employees are receiving salaries under the fitment factor of 2.57 per cent. The demand of the unions is to increase the fitment factor to 3.68.
If the government increases the fitment factor to 3.68 from per cent 2.57 per cent, the minimum pay of government employees will increase by Rs 8,000. The basic salary at 3.68 per cent fitment factor will increase to Rs Rs 26,000 from Rs 18,000
According to the basic calculations, upon increasing the fitment factor to 3.68 per cent, the basic salary will increase to Rs 26,000. Currently, the central government employees receive a monthly salary of Rs 46,260 (18,000 X 2.57 = 46,260) if their basic pay is Rs 18,000, as per the 2.57 fitment factor.