CBSE Term 1 Results 2022: List of websites to check Class 10, 12 result
Central Board of Secondary Education will release CBSE Term 1 Results 2022 soon. The result date for Class 10, 12 has not been shared by the Board yet, but as per media reports, the result will be available anytime soon. Candidates who have appeared for Class 10, 12 exams can check their results on the official site of CBSE and on other platforms as well.
As per the official released by the Board on October 14, the Board has stated that after the conduct of Term I exam, result in the form of marks scored will be declared. No student will be placed in PASS, Compartment or Essential repeat category after Term I exams. The final result of Class 10, 12 will be declared after Term 2 examinations. Candidates can check the result through the platforms given below.
Official Websites
Candidates can check their Class 10, 12 results on the Digilocker app. The app can be downloaded from Google Play Store or can check on the website
CBSE students can check and download their results on UMANG mobile application. The UMANG app can be downloaded through the Google Play app.