JKSSB Released Admit Cards_Download Here
Notice regarding Conduct of Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the post of Draftsman (Mechanical), UT Cadre, Item No 133, advertised vide Advertisement vide Notification No 05 of 2020.
The J&K Services Selection Board vide notification No. SSB/COE/CBT-VI/2021/9242-53 dated 31-12-2021, informed the concerned candidates that the examination for various categories of posts including Draftsman (Mechanical), UT Cadre advertised vide various Notifications, shall be held w.e.f 10-01-20212 onwards.
Accordingly, it is hereby notified for information of all candidates that the Computer Based Test (CBT) examination in respect of Draftsman (Mechanical), UT Cadre, Item No 133, advertised vide Advertisement vide Notification No 05 of 2020, has been scheduled on 18-01-2022.
Any candidate who does not find his/her Admit Card must represent in the Central Office of the J&K Services Selection Board, Hema Complex, Sector -3, Channi Himmat, Jammu or Camp Office of the J&K Services Selection Board, Zum Zum Building, Rambagh, Srinagar with evidence in support of his/her claim, by or before 14-01-2022.