GMC Anantnag Pharmacist Job Recruitment | Walk in Interview | Last Date Today
Walk-in-Interview For Hiring of Pharmacists (Jan Aushadhi Store Managers) on Profit Sharing Basis In Pradhan Mantri Bharttya Jan Aushadhi Kendras/PMBJAKS} under PAMBJP In District Anantrag.
In pursuance to the Guvt. Order No. 442-HME of 2019 Dated: 24-04-2019, applications are invited regarding Walk-In Inteniew from the eligible Registered Phirmacists of District Anantnag to work on Profit Sharing basis in the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi kendras (PAMBJAKs} under Pradhan MantriBhartiya Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) to be set up at various Health Institutions of district Anantnag
Name of Posts: Pharmacist
No. of posts: 08 Posts
Qualifcation: 10+2 wilth Diploma In Phamacy training course from SMF or any other recognized Institute.
Age: Upto 40 years
Selection Criteria:
1- 10+2=10points
2- Diploma in Pharmacy=60 Points
3- Additional higher relaled Qualifcation=05 points
4- Experience in relevant fields=05 points (across board, for minimum 01 year experience)
4- Viva voce = 20 Points
Total Points =100.
Note: Other details regarding this Advertisement notice can be had from the Office of Principal Government Medical College Anantnag.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates from the District Anantnag can only apply by sending their applications on the prescribed format which can be had from the Office of Principal Government Medical Colege Anantnag The duly filled in application form alongwith all the required/ relevant documents mentioned below and recent passport size photcgraphs (attested) should reach in the 0ffice of Principal Government Medical College Anantnag by or before 4th. january, 2022 and accordingly walk in Interview of eligible candidates shall be conducted on 6th January, 2022
The list of documents (self attested) to be attached with the application fom are mentioned below:
1- Permanent Resident Certificate/Domicile certificate.
2- DOB.
3- Class 10th and 12th Marks she
4- Degree / diploma Certificate and Marks Sheets) of Technical Education.
5- Valid Pharmacist Regstration Certificate.
6- Experience Certificate
7- Unmaried certifcate for the un-married female candidates, duly attested by the concerned Tehsildar
8- NOC from District Industry Centre and District Employment Officer
9- Affidavit for unemployment duly attested by 1st Class Judicial Magistrate.