IGNOU Syllabus Of MA History Download Full PDF Here



IGNOU Syllabus Of  MA History Download Full PDF Here

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IGNOU MA History First Year Syllabus

MHI-1: Ancient and Medieval Societies

Block 1: Early Human Societies

Unit 1 Hunting and Gathering

Unit 2 Pastoral Nomadism

Unit 3 Transition to Agriculture

Unit 4 The Neolithic Revolution

Unit 5 Implications for the World

Block 2: Bronze Age Civilizations

Unit 6 Cultural and Natural Settings of the Early Civilizations

Unit 7 Technological Foundations and Socio-Economic Parameters

Unit 8 Writing and Artistic Expression

Unit 9 The Social Structure Reconstructed

Block 3: Formation of States and Empires

Unit 10 Formation of States and Empires: A General Introduction

Unit 11 The Persian Empire

Unit 12 Ancient Greece

Unit 13 The Roman Empire

Block 4: Alternative Social Formations

Unit 14 Latin America

Unit 15 Africa

Unit 16 Nomadic Empires

Block 5: Religion, State and Society

Unit 17 The Late Roman World

Unit 18 The Arab World

Unit 19 China

Block 6: Feudalism

Unit 20 Debates on Feudalism

Unit 21 Feudalism : Forms and Structures

Unit 22 Phases of Feudalism

Unit 23 Trade and the Decline of Feudalism

Block 7: Trade and Commerce in the Medieval World

Unit 24 Oceanic Trade

Unit 25 Business Communities

Unit 26 Commercial Practices

Unit 27 Craft Production

Block 8: Medieval World in Transition

Unit 28 Science and Technologies and Expansion of Knowledge

Unit 29 Literature and Institutions of Learning

Unit 30 Religious Establishment

Unit 31 Transition to Modern World

Block 9: Pre-modern World : An Overview

Unit 32 Trends and Transition in Population

Unit 33 Urbanism

Unit 34 Technologies of Warfare and Communication

Unit 35 Kinship Pattern and Family structure

MHI-02: Modern World

Block 1: Theories of the Modern World

Unit 1 Renaissance and the Idea of the Individual

Unit 2 The Enlightenment

Unit 3 Critiques of Enlightenment

Block 2: Modern World: Essential Components

Unit 4 Theories of the State

Unit 5 Capitalist Economy and Its Critique

Unit 6 The Social Structure

Block 3: The Modern State and Politics

Unit 7 Bureaucratization

Unit 8 Democratic Politics

Unit 9 Modern State and Welfare

Unit 10 Nationalism

Block 4: Capitalism and Industrialization

Unit 11 Commercial Capitalism

Unit 12 Capitalist Industrialization

Unit 13 Socialist Industrialization

Unit 14 Underdevelopment

Block 5: Expansion of Europe

Unit 15 Conquest and Appropriation

Unit 16 Migrations and Settlements

Unit 17 Imperialism

Unit 18 Colonialism

Unit 19 Decolonization

Block 6: International Relations

Unit 20 Nation-State System

Unit 21 International Rivalries of Twentieth Century

Unit 22 The Unipolar World and Counter-Currents

Block 7: Revolutions

Unit 23 Political Revolution: France

Unit 24 Political Revolution: Russia

Unit 25 Knowledge Revolution: Printing and Informatics

Unit 26 Technological Revolution: Communications and Medical

Block 8: Violence and Repression

Unit 27 Modern Warfare

Unit 28 Total War

Unit 29 Violence by Non-State Actors

Block 9: Dilemmas of Development

Unit 30 Demography

Unit 31 Ecology

Unit 32 Consumerism

MHI-04: Political Structures in India

Block 1: Early State Formation

Unit 1 Pre-State to State

Unit 2 Territorial States to Empire

Unit 3 Polities from 2nd B.C. to 3rd A.D.

Unit 4 Polities from 3rd A.D. to 6th A.D.

Block 2: State in Early Medieval India

Unit 5 Early Medieval Polities in North India 7th to 12th A.D.

Unit 6 Early Medieval Polities in Peninsular India 6th to 8th A.D.

Unit 7 Early Medieval Polities in Peninsular India between 8th to 12th A.D.

Block 3: State in Medieval Times

Unit 8 State under the Delhi Sultanate

Unit 9 Vijayanagar, Bahamani and other Kingdoms

Unit 10 The Mughal State

Unit 11 18th Century Successor States

Block 4: Colonization (Part-I)

Unit 12 The Eighteenth Century Polities

Unit 13 Colonial Powers – Portuguese, French, Dutch

Unit 14 The British Colonial State

Unit 15 Princely States

Block 5: Administrative and Institutional Structures

Unit 16 Administrative and Institutional Structures in Peninsular India

Unit 17 Administrative and Institutional Systems in North India

Unit 18 Law and Judicial Systems

Block 6: Administrative and Institutional Structures

Unit 19 The Delhi Sultanate

Unit 20 Vijayanagar, Bahamani and other Kingdoms

Unit 21 The Mughal Empire

Unit 22 18th Century Successor States

Block 7: Colonization (Part-II)

Unit 23 Ideologies of the Raj

Unit 24 Activities

Unit 25 Resources

Unit 26 Extent of Colonial Intervention: Education and Society

Unit 27 End of the Colonial State – Establishment of Democratic Polity

MHI-05: History of Indian Economy

Block 1: Historiography, Environment and Economy

Unit 1 Historiography of the Pre-Colonial Economy – Ancient

Unit 2 Historiography of the Pre-Colonial Economy – Medieval

Unit 3 Historiography of the Colonial Economy

Unit 4 Environmental Zones and Indian Economic History

Block 2: Emergence and Structure of Complex Economy

Unit 5 Origins of Agriculture, Animal Domestication, Craft Production to Urbanisation (case

of the Harappan Civilisation)

Unit 6 Archaeology and Geography of Agricultural and Pastoral Communities of the

Subcontinent to the Middle of the First Millennium B.C.

Unit 7 Comparative Structures of Economies in Some Early States (Maurya, Kushana,

Satavahana, Gupta)

Unit 8 Patterns of Trade, Urbanisation and Linkages: North India (C. 600 BC-300 AD)

Unit 9 Patterns of Trade, Urbanisation and Linkages: Peninsular India (C. 300 BC to AD


Block 3: Early Medieval Economy and Its Continuities

Unit 10 The Feudalism Debate in Indian History

Unit 11 Organisation of Agricultural and Crafts Production: North India, c. AD 550 – c. AD


Unit 12 Nature of Stratification and Regional Profiles of Agrarian Society in Early Medieval

North India, c. AD 550 – c. AD 1300

Unit 13 Organisation of Agricultural and Crafts Production, Regional Profiles of Agrarian

Society and Nature of Stratification: South India

Unit 14 Trade, Trading Networks and Urbanisation: North India, c.AD 300 – c.AD 1300

Unit 15 Exchange Networks, Merchant Organisation and Urbanisation: South India

Block 4: Expansion and Growth of Medieval Economy-1

Unit 16 Agricultural Production

Unit 17 Agrarian Structure: Relations

Unit 18 Non-Agricultural Production

Unit 19 Taxation

Unit 20 Urban Centres in Medieval India

Block 5: Expansion and Growth of Medieval Economy-2

Unit 21 Inland and Maritime Trade

Unit 22 Business Practices and Monetary History

Unit 23 Technology and Economy

Unit 24 Transport and Communication

Unit 25 18th Century in Indian History

Block 6: Trade and Markets

Unit 26 Merchants and Markets: 1757-1857

Unit 27 Colonialism and Trade: 1857-1947

Block 7: The Rural Economy

Unit 28 Agrarian Policy and Land Rights

Unit 29 Patterns of Commercialisation

Unit 30 Forest Economies in Colonial India

Unit 31 Demographic Change and Agrarian Society in Colonial India

Unit 32 Tribal Society and Colonial Economy

Unit 33 The Question of Agrarian Growth and Stagnation

Block 8: Craft Production, Technological Change and Industrialization

Unit 34 The De-Industrialization Debate

Unit 35 Crafts Industries and Small Scale Production

Unit 36 Patterns of Industrialization

Unit 37 Technology, Science and Empire

Unit 38 From Planned Economy to Globalisation

Unit 39 The Political Economy of Liberalisation

IGNOU MA History Second Year Syllabus

MHI-03: Historiography

Block 1: Understanding History

Unit 1 Generalization

Unit 2 Causation

Unit 3 Objectivity and Interpretation

Unit 4 History, Ideology and Society

Block 2: Pre-Modern Traditions -1

Unit 5 Greco-Roman Tradition

Unit 6 Traditional Chinese Historiography

Unit 7 Historiographical Traditions in Early India

Block 3: Pre-Modern Traditions -2

Unit 8 Medieval Historiography – Western

Unit 9 Medieval Historiography – Arabic and Persian

Unit 10 Medieval Historiography – Indo-Persian

Unit 11 Local History

Block 4: Approaches to History in Modern Times-1

Unit 12 Positivist Tradition

Unit 13 Classical Marxist Tradition

Unit 14 The Annales School

Block 5: Approaches to History in Modern Times-2

Unit 15 Recent Marxist Approaches

Unit 16 Post-Modernist Intervention

Unit 17 Gender in History

Unit 18 Race in History

Block 6: Approaches and Themes in Indian Historiography – 1

Unit 19 Colonialist Historiography

Unit 20 Nationalist Approach

Unit 21 Communalist Trends

Unit 22 Marxist Approach

Unit 23 The Cambridge School

Block 7: Approaches and Themes in Indian Historiography – 2

Unit 24 History from Below

Unit 25 ‘Subaltern Studies’

Unit 26 Economic History

Unit 27 Peasantry and Working Classes

Unit 28 Castes, Tribe and Gender

Unit 29 Religion and Culture

Unit 30 Environment, Science and Technology

MHI-06: Evolution of Social Structures in India through the Ages

Block 1: Introductory

Unit 1 Reconstructing Ancient Society with Special Reference to Sources

Unit 2 Hunting-Gathering, Early Farming Society, Pastoralism

Unit 3 Harappan Civilization and Other Chalcolithic Cultures

Block 2: Cultures in Transition

Unit 4 Societies Represented in Vedic Literature

Unit 5 Iron Age Cultures

Unit 6 Socio-Religious Ferment in North-India : Buddhism and Jainism

Unit 7 Emergence of Buddhist Central and Peninsular India

Block 3: Early Historic Societies : 6th Century B.C. To 4th Century A.D.

Unit 8 Urban Classes : Traders and Artisans, Extension of Agricultural Settlements

Unit 9 Chaityas, Viharas and Their Interaction with Tribal Groups

Unit 10 Early Tamil Society – Regions and their Cultures and Cult of Hero Worship

Unit 11 Marriage and Family Life, Notions of Untouchability, Changing patterns in Varna

and Jati

Block 4: Early Medieval Societies

Unit 12 Transition to Early Medieval Societies

Unit 13 The Problem of Urban Decline: Agrarian Expansion, Land Grants And Growth of


Unit 14 Proliferation and Consolidation of Castes & Jatis

Unit 15 Religion in Society

Block 5: Medieval Society – 1

Unit 16 Village Community

Unit 17 Rural Society: North India

Unit 18 Rural Society: Peninsular India

Block 6: Medieval Society – 2

Unit 19 Clans and Confederacies in Western India

Unit 20 Urban Social Groups in North India

Unit 21 Changing Social Structure in Peninsular India

Unit 22 Socio-Religious Movements

Unit 23 The Eighteenth Century Society in Transition

Block 7: Modern Society

Unit 24 Perception of the Indian Social Structure by the Nationalist and Social Reformers

Unit 25 Studying Castes in the New Historical Context

Unit 26 Pattern of Rural-Urban Mobility: Overseas Migration

Unit 27 Social Structure in the Urban and Rural Areas

Block 8: Social Questions Under Colonialism

Unit 28 Colonial Forest Policies and Criminal Tribes

Unit 29 Gender/Women under Colonialism

Unit 30 Social Discrimination

Unit 31 Popular Protests and Social Structures

Unit 32 Studying Tribes under Colonialism

MHI-08: History of Ecology and Environment: India

Block 1: Studying Ecology & Environment: An Introduction

Unit 1 Nature-Human Interface

Unit 2 Indian Landscape

Unit 3 Sources of Study

Block 2: Environment and Early Societies

Unit 4: Resource Use and Human Societies

Unit 5 Hunting – Gathering

Unit 6 Nomadic Pastoralism

Block 3: Environment and Agricultural Societies

Unit 7 Origins of Agriculture

Unit 8 River Valley Civilisation

Unit 9 Agricultural Diffusion and Regional Specificities – I

Unit 10 Agricultural Diffusion and Regional Specificities – II

Block 4: Appropriation of Environment – Other Forms

Unit 11 Energy Resources

Unit 12 Water Resources

Unit 13 Forest Resources

Unit 14 Metal & Mineral Resources

Block 5: Indian Philosophy and Environment

Unit 15 Man-Nature Relationship

Unit 16 Conservation Through Ages

Unit 17 Transitions

Block 6: Colonialism and Environment

Unit 18 Understanding of Environment

Unit 19 Environmental Agenda

Unit 20 Resource Management: Forests

Unit 21 Resource Management: Water

Block 7: Modern Concerns

Unit 22 Development and Environmental Concerns

Unit 23 Biodiversity

Unit 24 Environmental Resources and Patents

Unit 25 Alternatives

MHI-09: Indian National Movement

Block 1: Introduction

Unit 1 Nation and Nationalism

Unit 2 Anti-colonial National Liberation Movement – Asia and Africa

Unit 3 Perspectives on Indian Nationalism-I

Unit 4 Perspectives on Indian Nationalism-II

Block 2: The Formative Phase

Unit 5 Foundations of Indian Nationalism

Unit 6 Economic Nationalism

Unit 7 Resistance to Colonialism in Intellectual and Social Spheres

Unit 8 Towards Radical and Mass Politics

Block 3: National Movement – The Mass Phase-I

Unit 9 Nationalist Politics during the War-period

Unit 10 Emergence of Gandhi

Unit 11 The Turning Point

Unit 12 Khilafat and Non-Cooperation

Unit 13 Revolutionary Trends

Unit 14 Resistance within the Councils and Outside

Block 4: National Movement – The Mass Phase-II

Unit 15 Civil Disobedience Movement

Unit 16 Constitutional Developments

Unit 17 Congress Ministries

Unit 18 The Ideological Spectrum in the 1930s

Unit 19 Political Democratisation in Princely States

Block 5: Quit India and Its Aftermath

Unit 20 Prelude to Quit India

Unit 21 Quit India Movement

Unit 22 Post-War National Upsurge, 1945-47

Unit 23 Towards Freedom-I

Unit 24 Towards Freedom-II

Block 6: National Movement and Social Groups-I

Unit 25 The Peasantry

Unit 26 The Working Class

Unit 27 The Capitalist Class

Unit 28 The Landlords

Block 7: National Movement and Social Groups-II

Unit 29 National Movement and Women

Unit 30 National Movement and the Dalits

Unit 31 National Movement and the Minorities

Block 8: National Movement: Legacies

Unit 32 National Movement and its Strategies

Unit 33 National Movement and the Communal Problem

Unit 34 Making of the Indian Constitution

Unit 35 Legacies of the National Movement

MHI-10: Urbanisation in India

Block 1: Introduction to Urban History

Unit 1 What is Urban History?

Unit 2 Approaches to the Study of Urbanisation: Ancient Phase

Unit 3 Approaches to the Study of Urbanisation: Medieval Phase

Unit 4 Themes in Understanding the Modern Cities

Block 2: The Earliest Cities in the Subcontinent

Unit 5 An Introduction to Early Urbanism

Unit 6 Distribution and Morphology of Harappan Settlements

Unit 7 Harappan Economy and Occupations

Unit 8 Early Urban Societies

Unit 9 Case Study: Mohenjodaro

Block 3: Early Historic Cities

Unit 10 Archaeology of the Early Historic Urban Centres in North India: Emergence and


Unit 11 Archaeology of the Emergence of Early Cities and the Characteristics of the Early

Historical Urban Centres: South India

Unit 12 Urban Centres and Other Types of Spaces

Unit 13 Cities in Texts

Unit 14 Early Historical Cities in the Taxila Valley: Archaeological Perspective

Block 4: Patterns of Medieval Urbanisation-1

Unit 15 State of Urbanisation in Post-Gupta Period: Archaeological Evidence

Unit 16 Emergence of New Urban Centres in Early Medieval Context and Passage to Medieval

Urbanism: Textual Reference

Unit 17 Sultanate and Its Cities

Unit 18 Regional Cities of the 15th Century

Unit 19 Temple Towns in Peninsular India

Unit 20 Southern Dimension: The Glory of Vijayanagara

Unit 21 Case Study: Sultanate Delhi

Block 5: Patterns of Medivial Urbanisation-2

Unit 22 Spatial Characteristics of Mughal Cities

Unit 23 Urban Patterns in Medieval Deccan

Unit 24 Urban Culture and Society

Unit 25 Case Study: Agra-Fatehpur Sikri-Shahjahanabad

Unit 26 Case Study: Ajmer-Pushkar-Banaras

Unit 27 Case Study: Masulipatnam

Block 6: Early Modern Cities

Unit 28 Capitalism, Colonialism and Cities in Early Modern Period

Unit 29 Port Cities – 16th to 18th Centuries

Unit 30 Cities in the 18th Century: Manufacturing Towns

Unit 31 Cities in the 18th Century: Provincial Capitals

Unit 32 Case Study: Lucknow

Block 7: Colonial Cities-1

Unit 33 Dependent Urbanisation and New Urban Forms in Colonial India

Unit 34 Race, Class and Ethnicity in the Colonial City

Unit 35 The City as the Site of Spectacle

Unit 36 The City as the Site of Movements

Block 8: Colonial Cities-2

Unit 37 Modernity and the City in Colonial India

Unit 38 City Planning in India at the Advent of British

Unit 39 Predicaments of Post-Colonial Cities

Unit 40 Case Study: Bombay

MPSE-003: Western Political Thought (From Plato to Marx)

Unit 1 Significance of Western Political Thought

Unit 2 Plato

Unit 3 Aristotle

Unit 4 St Augustine and St Thomas Acquinas

Unit 5 Niccolo Machiavelli

Unit 6 Thomas Hobbes

Unit 7 John Locke

Unit 8 Jean Jacques Rousseau

Unit 9 Immanuel Kant

Unit 10 Jeremy Bentham

Unit 11 J.S. Mill

Unit 12 Edmund Burke

Unit 13 Alexis de Tocqueville

Unit 14 Georg Withelm Friedrich Hegel

Unit 15 Karl Marx

MPSE-004: Social and Political Thought in Modern India

Unit 1 Pre-Modern Socio-religious and Political Thought in India: Diverse Strands

Unit 2 Orientalist Discourse and Colonial Modernity

Unit 3 Salient Features of Political Thought in Modern India

Unit 4 Early Nationalist Responses: Ram Mohan Roy, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Jyotiba

Phule and Dayanand Saraswati

Unit 5 Moderates and Extremists: Dadhabai Naoroji, M.G. Ranade, B.G. Tilak

Unit 6 Hinduism: Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

Unit 7 Hindutva: V.D Savarkar and M.S. Golwalkar

Unit 8 Muslim Thought: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Mohammed Iqbal, Maulana Maudoodi and

Mohammed Ali Jinnah

Unit 9 Nation and Identity Concerns: E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker, Nurul Islam, Pandita

Ramabai, Jaipal Singh, Kahn Singh

Unit 10 M.K. Gandhi

Unit 11 Jawaharlal Nehru

Unit 12 B.R.Ambedkar

Unit 13 Rabindranath Tagore

Unit 14 Communist Thought: MN Roy and E.M.S. Namboodiripad

Unit 15 Socialist Thought: R.M. Lohia and Jayaprakash Narayan

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