Filling up of vacant post of Assistant Professor/Lecturers in newly created 500 beded Paediatric Hospital (GMC, Srinagar), Bernina, Srinagar.
Applications through online mode are invited from the applicants who are domiciled in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and are possessing the prescribed Academic/Professional qualification and age for the following posts in terms of the Jammu and Kashmir Medical Education (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules, 1979 issued under SRO 517 dated 19.09.1979; Government Order No. 49-JK(HME) of 2021 dated 19.01.2021, read with Government Order No. 448-JK(HME) of 2021 dated 17.06.2021 & dated 20.07.2021, “Jammu & Kashmir Probationer (Conduct of Service, Pay & Allowance) and Fixation of Tenure Rules, 2020” notified vide 5.0. 192 of 2020 dated: 17.06.2020 and “Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission (Business and Procedure) Rules, 2021”
Name of Posts:
1- Assistant Professors: 07 Posts
2- Lecturers: 03 Posts
1- Candidates are advised to update their One Time Registration before filling the application Form.
2- The Application Form together with instructions for filling up the Application Forms will be available at the website of the Commission from 17.01.2022.
3- Candidates are advised to go through the instructions and all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the post before filling up the online Application Form.
4- Last date for filling up of online Application complete in all respects along with the requisite fee (online mode only) is 16.02.2022.
5- The last date for receipt of online applications provided in the notification shall be the cut-off date for determining the eligibility including acquisition of requisite educational and professional qualifications.
6- The minimum and maximum age will however be reckoned with reference to 1st January, 2022.
7- Candidates can edit some of the fields in their online application form w.e.f 19.02.2022 to 21.02.2022 (up to 11.59 PM).
8- Instructions in this regard will be separately made available on the website. Candidates are required to upload all the mandatory prescribed/requisite documents along with the online application form.
9- In case the mandatory prescribed/requisite documents are not uploaded with the online application form, the application form/Candidature of the applicant is liable to be rejected without any further notice.
10- Candidates will not be required to submit a Hard copy of the online application form or any other documents to the Commission at the time of filling up online application form.
11- The candidate will however be required to present/produce a downloaded copy of the online application form along with the original certificates at the time of interview.
12- Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability to pay fee or failure to login to the online application portal on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days.