Director General Defence Estates or Defence Estate Organisation, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India is hiring eligible candidates for the post of Junior Hindi Translator, Sub Divisional Officer Grade-II, and Hindi Typist. The notification has been published in the employment newspaper dated 4th to 10th Dec 2021.
Name of Posts:
1- Junior Hindi Translator: 7 Posts
2- Sub Divisional Officer Grade-II: 89 Posts
3- Hindi Typist: 01 Post
Educational Qualification and Experience:
1- Junior Hindi Translator: The candidate should have a Master Degree in Hindi/English or Hindi/English as compulsory/elective subject OR Bachelor’s Degree in Hindi/English or Hindi/English as compulsory/elective subject plus diploma/certificate in translation or 2 years of experience.
2- Sub Divisional Officer Grade-II: The candidate should be a 10th passed and Diploma/ Certificate in Surveying or Draftsman (Civil) of not less than 2 years.
3- Hindi Typist: The candidate should be a 10th passed and speed of not less than 25 wpm in Typewriting.
Ministry of Defence Recruitment 2021
Age Limit:
– Junior Hindi Translator: 18 to 30 years
– Sub Divisional Officer Grade-II: 18 to 27 years
– Hindi Typist: 18 to 27 years
Application Fee: The candidates need to pay an application fee of Rs.200.
The last date to submit the application: January 15, 2022.
How to Apply:
Eligible and interested job applicants can send the application by “Ordinary Post” in an envelope as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR HINDI TRANSLATOR/ SUB DIVISIONAL OFFICER, GRADE-11/ HINDI TYPIST and send it to the “Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Near ECHS Polyclinic, Kondhwa Road, Pune (Maharashtra)-411040”. Candidates can download application form from below-mentioned link.