Srinagar, Oct 25: Two seminars were held at Kashmir University’s North and South campuses in connection with the Iconic Week celebrations.
A day-long seminar was organised on ‘Sheikh Zain-ud-Din (RA): A Torchbearer of Communal Harmony’ at the South Campus, Anantnag. The main speakers included Dr Samir Siddiqui, Ghulam Nabi Aatash, Dr Zulfiqar Siddiqui and Dr Tanveer Hayat.
Prof Mohi-ud-Din Sangmi, Dean Colleges KU, who was the chief guest on the occasion, underlined the role played by Reshis of Kashmir, while Ghulam Nabi Aatash linked the Reshi culture with the pre-Islamic history of Kashmir.
Director South Campus Prof Aijaz Ahmad Wani formally welcomed the chief guest and distinguished speakers while Dr Samir Siddiqui highlighted the concept of Reshism in his keynote speech.
Vice-Chancellor Prof Talat Ahmad joined the seminar through ‘Zoom’ platform and shared his remarks about the topic. He also felicitated the organisers.
Dr Zulfiqar Siddiqui read a research paper on ‘Reshiyat’ wherein he elaborated the meanings of ‘reshiyat’ and ‘reshyuit’ and linked the same with Sheikh Zain-ud-Din (RA).
Tariq Ahmad Shah enthralled the audience with ‘manqabat’, Zain-ud Din (RA). Some papers were read by faculty members of the Department of Urdu.
Meanwhile, at North Campus Baramulla, a day-long seminar on ‘Lalla Ded: An Iconoclast Of Her Times’ was organised under the aegis of the Department of Higher Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
KU’s Dean of Academic Affairs Prof Farooq A Masoodi was the chief guest on the occasion while Prof Ashok Kaul, Professor Emeritus, Banaras Hindu University was a guest of honour who also delivered the keynote address.
Prof Masoodi said: “Lalla was such a great mystic poet who believed in the upliftment of the human soul instead of mere external ornamentation and false decorum,” he said.
Director North Campus Prof Pervez Ahmed highlighted aims and objectives of the seminar.
Keynote speaker Prof Kaul threw light on the sociological importance of Lalla Ded’s ‘Vakhs’ and pointed out the themes of harmony, brotherhood and unity in the poetry of Rishis like Lala Ded and Shaikh-ul-Alam (RA).
Two books of Professor Mohi-ud-Din Hajini, edited and translated by Dr Mohammad Ameen Parray (Ameen Fayaz) and Inayat Ullah Parray were also released by Prof Masoodi, Prof Pervez, Prof Majruh Rashid, Prof Mehfuza Jan, Dr Khurshid Ahmad Qazi and Dr Abid Ahmad.
Students of PG Department of English, North Campus, presented a skit on Lala Ded’s life and Ms Ifra recited her ‘Vaakhs’ with modern tunes.
Prof Majruh Rashid, Prof Mehfuza Jan, Dr Mohammad Maroof Shah, Prof Ujjwal Jana, Dr Qazi Khurshid Ahmad, Dr Abid Ahmad, Dr Anayat Ali, Dr Jameel Ahmad Bhat, Dr Irfan Ahmad Dar, Dr Tasmiya Bhat, Sheema Lateef, Ahsan-ul-Haq Magray, Massaray Yousuf, Dr Hanif presented their scholarly papers on different themes and aspects of Lala’s poetry.
Dr Qazi Khurshid Ahmad, Coordinator, PG Department of English and coordinator of the seminar, conducted the proceedings of the inaugural session and the following technical sessions while Dr Maleeha Gul presented a vote of thanks.