UPSC Chemist Recruitment 2022 – Salary up to Rs 1.77 Lakh
Govt Chemist MSc Chemistry vacancy – UPSC MSc chemistry Job UPSC Chemist Job Govt job for MSc chemistry candidates for Chemist vacancy. Chemistry job opening 2022. Intrested and legible candidates may check out all the details on the same below:
Job Title: Chemist
No.of posts: 03
Pay Scale As per 7th CPC- Level-10 (Rs.56100-177500/-) in the pay matrix. (Total emoluments excluding T.A. & HRA at the time of initial appointment will be Rs. 56100/- plus DA as applicable per month)
Age Not exceeding 35 years as on normal closing date. Not exceeding 40 years for Scheduled Castes as on normal closing date in respect of the vacancies reserved for them. Not exceeding 38 Years for Other Backward Classes candidates as on normal closing date in respect of the vacancies reserved for them.
Essential Qualification (s) A. Educational
Master’s degree in Chemistry from a recognized University or Institution.
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